Greetings to you all. As we embark on Fall 2021 let us take a moment to reflect on the obstacles we have overcome and the blessings we have continued to receive. As we look forward to better days continue to keep the faith, and keep on keeping on.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Every Sunday @ 10:00am- Zoom and Conference Call connections available Prayer Wednesday Mornings @ 7:00am. Use Prayer line#
Vaccines and Boosters are important – continue to use precautions (wear your mask, social distance, wash hands). Staying safe is important!
Welcome our New Members to CLBC Family!!! We are growing!!!
Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Tolliver for being selected to be Assistant Pastor and Sis. Linda Minor named CLBC's Administrative Assistant!
CLBC Missionary Day- Sunday, July 24th @ 10am Speakers: Minister Flora Pace, Rev. Rosemary Price, and Rev. Dr. Adreania Tolliver
CLBC Praise Team will host Gospel Explosion- Saturday, July 30th @ 2pm. Bring your lawn chairs! Free to All
For continued updates on COVID-19 please visit Connect with Us: Church Website: and Facebook: CountyLineBaptistChurchglf
Congratulations to Pastor A - Listers for doing a wonderful job in school and in the community